Magic: The Gathering Praetor Name Generator

Generate Magic: The Gathering Praetor names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Vorinclex, The Despoiler means Vorinclex Means "Chaotic Conqueror." Sheoldred, The Whispering One means A Praetor With The Ability To Whisper Commands Directly Into The Minds Of Her Enemies. You can choose the name you like best to use.

Yggdrasil, the Worldtree

A praetor who is a representative of the natural order and its balance.

Abzan Necromancer

A death-worshipping Praetor who raises armies of the undead.

Ketharis, the Chaosbringer

a Praetor who revels in chaos and disorder, and seeks to spread it wherever they go.

Jin-Gitaxias, Blue Death

A praetor who has mastery over the power of water and uses it to bring destruction to his enemies.

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