Harry Potter Houses Name Generator

Generate Harry Potter Houses names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Eryndor means Derived From The Welsh Word "Eryndu," Meaning "To Rise Up In Power." Haldenwald means Inspired By The German Words "Halden" (Hill) And "Wald" (Forest). You can choose the name you like best to use.


A home for those who chase their dreams with an unwavering determination, and the will to see them through.

Beeston House

"Beeston" is derived from the Old English word "beos," meaning bees. This house is known for its hardworking and communal members who are sweet as honey.


This house name refers to the mythical bird of rebirth, who rises from the ashes of destruction to soar anew. Its members believe in starting fresh and building something better from the ashes of their past.

Obsidian House

referencing the volcanic glass known for its sharpness and strength, representing the house's members' mastery in earth and rock magic.

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