Dark Souls Name Generator

Generate Dark Souls names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Vaspillon means Meaning "The Devourer Of Souls" Feirun means Meaning "The Forgotten One" You can choose the name you like best to use.

King Jeremiah

A mad king who wields a flaming staff

Thorne the Unseen

Thorne means defender and Unseen refers to someone who is invisible or hidden.

Hel the Death-Goddess

Hel is a goddess from Norse mythology associated with the afterlife. Her title "the Death-Goddess" speaks to her grim, underworldly nature.

Anubis the Guardian

Anubis is an Egyptian name that means "black dog." In this context, it signifies a character who is a protector or guardian, standing watch over the dead.

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