Urdu Name Generator

Generate Urdu names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Aaliyah means Exalted, Noble Aisha means Living, Prosperous You can choose the name you like best to use.


beautiful, handsome (M)


twilight, dusk (Female)


noble, distinguished (M)


Creation, Writing (Female)


Some good ideas for generating Urdu names:

Consider the meaning of the name in Urdu and try to find an English equivalent

Look up popular Urdu names and see if they have an English equivalent

Use Urdu words that have a beautiful sound or meaning as inspiration for English names

Incorporate traditional Urdu naming conventions into your English names

Use Urdu words for colors, animals, and natural elements to create unique names

Make sure the English name you choose is easy to pronounce for non-Urdu speakers

Consider the gender of the character when choosing a name

Use Urdu words for emotions or personality traits to create character names

Look up popular Urdu poets and writers for inspiration

Use Urdu words for professions or titles to create character names

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