Magical Disease Name Generator

Generate Magical Disease names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Faeblight means A Disease That Causes Those Afflicted To Emit A Faint But Continuous Light From Their Skin. Shadowpox means A Disease That Causes Splotchy, Dark Patches To Appear On The Skin. You can choose the name you like best to use.

Abyssal Madness

A virus that causes the victim to slowly succumb to madness as they become more attuned to abyssal energy.

Sorcerous Sores

makes the victim's wounds spark with magical energy, making them even harder to heal.


A condition that causes the victim's heart to become molten, causing heart failure and eventually incineration.

Soulstealer's Malady

A disease that causes the victim to drain the energy or souls of those around them unknowingly.

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