Magic: The Gathering Ogre Name Generator

Generate Magic: The Gathering Ogre names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Grukthar The Mauler means "The Merciless One Who Crushes All In His Path." Zul'gurth The Brute means "The Savage One Known For His Sheer Strength." You can choose the name you like best to use.

Gorg the Devourer

Gorg is a name of ancient Welsh origin, meaning "great" or "towering." Combined with the title of "devourer," it paints a picture of a giant Ogre with a huge appetite.


An ogre whose tusks emit a thunderous crackling sound when charging into battle.

Hogg the Hog

"a greedy creature that hoards possessions and resources for themselves"

Rakdos the Defiler

Rakdos is a powerful demon in MTG lore.

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