Magic: The Gathering Human Name Generator

Generate Magic: The Gathering Human names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Janna Swiftblade means Janna Means "God Is Gracious" And Swiftblade Refers To A Sharp Sword Or Other Weapon. Gavin Strongheart means Gavin Means "White Hawk" And Strongheart Implies Bravery And Courage. You can choose the name you like best to use.

Alexander Miles

Alexander means "defender of the people" while Miles means "soldier" or "mercenary".

Fiona Fireflower

Fiona means "white," while Fireflower suggests a connection to explosive flame magic.

Lily Hearthstone

Lily means "lily flower" and Hearthstone refers to a stone used in a fireplace or stove, indicating warmth and comfort.

Yasmin Dunn

Yasmin means "jasmine flower" and Dunn means "brown" or "swarthy".

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