Magic: The Gathering Golem Name Generator

Generate Magic: The Gathering Golem names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Lithomancer's Golem means Created By A Powerful Stonemancer, This Golem Is A Master Of Manipulating Rock And Stone To Its Will. Ember Golem means A Golem Animated By The Power Of Flames And Capable Of Burning Anything In Its Path. You can choose the name you like best to use.

Radiant Regent Golem

This golem is made of enchanted radiant energy and can summon powerful divine magic to heal and protect allies.

Arcane Colossus

A massive golem powered by arcane energies, it can unleash powerful spells and magical attacks that can defeat any opponent.

Nok, the Protectorate

"Defender of the Kingdom"

Leaden Golem

A master of alchemy, this golem is a deadly opponent that can transmute foes into lead and other metals.

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