Magic: The Gathering Centaur Name Generator

Generate Magic: The Gathering Centaur names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Silvertusk means A Majestic And Powerful Centaur Known For Its Silver-Colored Tusks. Embermane means A Fierce And Fiery Centaur Who Can Breathe Fire And Shoot Flames From Its Hooves. You can choose the name you like best to use.

Finnian, the Fair

"Fair-Minded Defender of the Herd"

Orin, the Defender

Orin means "defender" in Centaurish, and he is a stalwart protector of his people and their lands.


This centaur wields a set of razor-sharp teeth that can tear through flesh and bone.

Glimmerhoof, the Shimmering

A centaur whose coat gleams like a rainbow and is adorned with glittering jewels.

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