Edo Era Japanese Name Generator

Generate Edo Era Japanese names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Akira means Bright And Clear Ayumi means Stepping Stones Or Walking Path You can choose the name you like best to use.


true second son (Male)


wise tree (male)


forest child (F)


jasmine child (F)


Some good ideas for generating Edo Era Japanese names:

Take inspiration from historical figures and famous characters from the Edo Era.

Research the meaning of common Japanese names and incorporate those meanings into your English names.

Use online resources such as a Japanese-English name dictionary to find suitable names.

Combine words that evoke a particular characteristic or trait of the character into a name.

Experiment with different prefixes and suffixes such as -ko, -ji, -maru to create unique names.

Consider the phonetics of the name to determine if it has an authentic Japanese feel.

Try using different combinations of vowels and consonants to construct new names.

Incorporate the place of origin of the character into their name.

Create names based on the occupation, profession or social status of the character.

Incorporate traditional Japanese words into the name, such as "sakura" (cherry blossom) or "mizu" (water).

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